Our Mission

Optimization of Scheduling, Production, & Display Planning

Using data science and machine learning techniques to optimize and manage logistics and production up to the retailers

The Benefits

Accurate Demand Forecasting, Automation and Better Tracking and Control

We use data science and machine learning techniques to track all the factors that can influence accuracy in demand forecasting at a scale that might not, if not at all, be possible for analysis by humans. When it comes to machine learning and AI in the supply chain, a key step to optimization is automation – removing steps from the process that humans previously had to do manually.

Key Considerations:
1. We explore datasets from multiple sources to build projects encompassing greater value; getting creative with data acquisition and prioritizing smooth access to datasets as they evolve.

2. Design and deploy data solutions into production for real-time insights

3. Automate the workflows associated with these insights

4. Monitor the models in production to prevent drift and ensure they function as intended

Trusted by Top Brands

We help Enterprises and Startups to achieve their business objectives by leveraging advanced and innovative technology.
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